2023 Village of Winding Trails Annual Meeting

The 2023 annual meeting for the Village of Winding Trails HOA occurred at 7:00 on Thursday, January 26 at Woodlawn Chapel Presbyterian Church.

Please find the minutes for the meeting as follows:

Ray Edwards, outgoing trustee, opened up the meeting.

First Guest Speaker – Mayor Jim Bowlin

-Deer issue will be resolved within the next two to three months.
-Town Center: development interest for high end apartments.
-Industrial zone: certain storefronts are not allowed such as vape shops.
-Municipality meetings have decreased in regards to how many times they meet, but have increased their tasks accomplished.
-Mayor is serving his last term and will be running for state representative.
-Number one revenue is sales tax for Wildwood. Revenue source number two is utility tax. Last source of revenue is fines and penalties. There is no real estate tax.
-Wildwood did not propose the Mayfair tax for internet purchases. Wildwood is the only city that did not impose this.
-Federal funding is used on a project basis. For example to help with our internet problem.
-There is no internet in the industrial zone. AT&T is the only company that can provide internet in the industrial zone.
-Sewer lateral program is being discussed.
-Deer eradication program includes bow hunters. White Buffalo company will bait the deer, then kill them.

Conclusion of Mayor Bowlin’s presentation at 7:27 pm

Second Guest Speaker – City of Wildwood police

-No police reports in our neighborhood the last 6 months
-One resident complained about a county cab going  too fast in our neighborhood.

Conclusion at 7:39 pm

Trustee Presentations

Ray Edwards:
-Budget breakdown
– Pool Question: Pool management companies. How are we going to deal with this. ProPool has been better, we have a three year contract with them. The supervision aspect is hard due to their age.
– We did get a rebate due to guards leaving.
-Budget has been passed.
-Pool budget was discussed.

Vanessa Hallums:
-Presentation of landscaping
-Questions regarding Francisco’s responsibilities and duties
-Residents would like more clean up throughout the year

Ray Edwards:
-Thank you to specific residents.
-Ray Edwards stepping down as trustee and Donna Goro stepping in.

Conclusion of meeting at 9:00 pm


Your trustees,

Rich Gebhardt

Vanessa Hallums

Donna Goro