Welcome to The Village of Winding Trails


Village of Winding Trails 2020 Annual Meeting Minutes

January 23, 2020

Upon determining that a quorum was established with 16 present eligible residents and 21 proxy votes cast, Trustee Rick Pfarr opened the annual subdivision meeting at the Woodlawn Chapel Presbyterian Church building at 7:00pm.

Mayor Jim Bowlin spoke first, reminding everyone that that this is an election year and he is pleased to be running for reelection at a time when Wildwood is doing well.  He briefly discussed updates on the 20/20 plan and noted that all five major points are either completed or nearing completion.  He indicated that additional work is needed on cleaning up the roadways, but that should be done shortly.  He also said that he continues to support and promote the open space concept and larger three-acre lot sizes for developments around the city.  He added that additional study is underway on erosion that is taking place with Caulk’s Creek and there will be more to come on this in the future.  In response to questions from the audience he revealed that the shredding program is on hold this year due to budget considerations.  He did say that the budget was approved by the city council, but certain programs had to be curtailed due to revenue concerns.  There was a brief discussion of Chesterfield’s efforts to hinder revenue sharing between cities.  Finally, there was an extensive discussion of the deer problem in Wildwood and particularly in our subdivision.  The mayor indicated that the Board of Public Safety is looking into it.  The Board is also looking into traffic control (speeding) on Prospector Ridge.  The mayor also said that the city is seeking volunteers for the Wildwood Celebration Committee.  Anyone who is interested should contact our Council Member Katie Dodwell.

Wildwood Police Officer Steve DeGhelder updated the audience on local law enforcement efforts in the community.  Officer DeGhelder shared that, while he has been in Wildwood only two years, he has been with the St. Louis County Police Department 32 years.  He reported that Wildwood in general and our subdivision in particular are “very quiet” and “very safe.”  In fact, he said that in doing a records search prior to this meeting he was unable to find a single call for service from our subdivision between August and now.  In response to questions from the audience he said that a speed count had been done in the area and there were very few indications of speeding – less than one percent of the total traffic count.  In response to other questions, Officer DeGhelder said that there is little that can be done by the police regarding on-street parking in permitted areas.  We discussed the problem trash trucks and snowplows have with cars that park on the street.  He advised the trustees to send an email reminding resident of the need to park in garages and driveways and not on the street.

Last year we were reminded of the vacation registration program in which residents may notify the Wildwood police department when they plan to be away for vacation or otherwise.  This alerts police to the need for special attention by Wildwood police officers for temporarily unoccupied residences.  The trustees continue to remind residents to register with the police department when planning a vacation.  Residents are also reminded that they should keep their garage doors down at all times when they are away and particularly overnight.  The City of Wildwood police precinct can be reached at 636-458-9194 or by calling 911 in an emergency.

Wildwood Council Member Joe Farmer then spoke.  As a resident and trustee of a neighboring subdivision he said that issues related to the retention pond bordering Westglenn Farms appear to be resolved for now.  However, a longer-term solution will be needed.  He also said he shares the concerns about traffic and watershed issues.  He reinforced the mayor’s comments about the Caulk’s Creek watershed issue.  He said it will take money to fix this problem and other entities do not appear to be willing or able to do this.  It will likely fall on Wildwood to do whatever the city can do.  He did reveal that in the past year there were four 500-year flooding events (supposed to happen only once every 500 years).  This underscores the concern with this issue.  He also said that a new park is being planned for this area that will be on Green Pines Drive.  Finally, he said that a Wildwood Lawn and Garden event is planned for March 21.

Wildwood Council Member Katie Dodwell spoke next and reinforced Mr. Farmer’s comments.

Trustee Rick Pfarr said that we have two very approachable council representatives and he encouraged everyone to remember this when the elections come around.

Next up on the program, Trustee Ray Edwards presented the Winding Trails Bath & Tennis and Village of Winding Trails (HOA) 2019 financial results and 2020 budgets.  Bath & Tennis ended 2019 with an ending net balance of $4,978 and operating cash balance of $25,284.  Winding Trails ended the year with a net balance of $880 and an operating cash balance of $8,683.  Ray also said that in 2019 approximately $140,000 was moved from a general cash account to an interest-bearing money market fund where it would be federally insured and available as capital improvement or emergency funds.  As of December 31, this fund had $140,180.  Conservative budgets are planned for 2020 in both accounts.  Annual assessments for 2020 will remain the same as 2019, i.e., $275 for Bath and Tennis and $110 for the Village of Winding Trails.  Overall revenue assessments are projected to continue on track in 2020 and expenses will remain carefully controlled.  During the budget discussion Ray mentioned that a number of other projects were accomplished in 2019 including refurbishing and upgrading pool-side restrooms as well as other general improvements and various pool repairs.  Additionally, one of the cul-de-sac islands was landscaped.  Additional landscaping is planned for all the cul-de-sac islands in 2020 with particular attention to those on Copper Court and Larimore.  Following Ray’s presentation Vicki Marks moved to approve the 2020 budgets and Sharon Hutson seconded the motion.  Upon unanimous approval, the 2020 budgets were approved.

David Rosen-McGinnis briefly presented the pool/tennis report and mentioned that in general things went well with the pool and tennis courts this past year.  The tennis courts were resurfaced, and this was well received.  Additionally, pickle ball lines were drawn on the tennis courts and new nets were installed.  As previously mentioned, the bathrooms were upgraded and the pool was also painted.  Dave anticipates another positive year ahead with the pool.  Dave said that the pool should be opened two more weeks this year based on school schedules and the availability of lifeguards.  Also, a new electronic badging system will be installed at the pool this year to monitor utilization.    

Trustee Rick Pfarr offered a brief update on neighborhood issues.  He mentioned the sink holes that seem to be developing in the pool parking lot and the common ground.  He said that a study has been done on this, but little has been revealed.  He will continue to monitor this closely.  Rick Pfarr commended Laine Angelo and members of the Beautification Committee for their efforts.  The Beautification Committee helps purchase, tend and water plants at the front entrance and at the pool area as well as helping with the landscaping on the Shadow Mountain cul-de-sac island and the holiday decoration of the entrance sign area.  In particular Rick thanked Laine Angelo, Sharon Hutson, Jenny Reed, Vicki Marks, Vicki Hashbarger, Dana Fenster and Nan Trecker for their all their work on neighborhood beautification efforts.  Rick reminded the group that we need everyone’s involvement to make the neighborhood look the way we want it to and encouraged everyone to participate. 

The holidays are special in our subdivision and Rick thanked Christy Ehrenreich and the Treckers, Bowers, Sherrys, Edwards, Backs and VanderGraffs for their efforts on the Christmas luminary program.  He also thanked Jenny Reed for hosting the Cookie Exchange and Kathy Rymer, Julie and John LeFauve, and Arne and Karen Schou for hosting the Progressive Dinner.

Rick also recognized Richard Baricko for his work on the website.  Following questions from the audience Rick discussed the work of the Architectural Review Board and the need to monitor fence heights.  Also, he said that seemingly abandoned houses should be reported to the city. 

Following further discussion, Dave said that the indentures need to be updated and there was discussion about forming a committee to do this.  Ray asked for volunteers if anyone is willing to serve on this committee. 

Rick also mentioned that Ray Edwards’ term of office is due to expire.  Rick opened the floor to nominations for trustee.  Ray was nominated for another three-year term of office and the motion was seconded.  Upon receiving no other nominations, the vote was called and upon unanimous approval Ray was elected to serve another term as trustee.

There being no other business to come before the group a motion was made, seconded and approved to adjourn the meeting at 9:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,


Ray Edwards David Rosen McGinnis Rick Pfarr